These are the some of the questions that some french students ask in most Nigeria Universities especially those who belong to the "i was given the course category". Here, you will find answers and solutions to your problems.
Today, we l be discussing the first two problems that has to do with writing and reading a french note.
What am i writing ?
I can vividly remember the first french lecture i attended , the lecturer dictated and we were expected to write at a fast pace, i wrote a lot of jargons ....yeaa i wrote what i heard but it was Jarrr gons .....i wrote something like... je boku de shows a fer..instead of j'ai beaucoup de choses a faire .Well don't judge me i didn't know anything and am sure some other french students feel this way too, its a normal feeling considering the fact that french is a foreign language and most students didn't take french language serious at their secondary school level.
After the lecture, i made up my mind to switch to philosophy,i wanted to get a change of course form but the whole process was a total waste of time so i continued with french. I could not read and write and i was confused about the whole thing so i gave up.
Like me, the mistake most french students make is to give up instead of focusing on the easy aspect of the language .For a beginner, La Conjugaison ...yea-- that's a really good place to start even though its not also verrryy easy but its cool. Get a copy of L'art de conjuguer
You need to conjugate some verbs because while conjugating, you don't feel like your fooling yourself, you can actually read and practice on your own,you can later check the text book for corrections . Even though it takes time to master your conjugations, the exercise can be fun and challenging. You wont be able to use those conjugation orally but believe me after some time, you will master the regular and irregular will master all those grammatical twists on your own.
Expression orale is a gradual process because you cant speak what you dont know even though some will say "speak anything correct or wrong" then you will go ahead to make yourself a laughing stock...

If you want to speak at all, pause,conjugate in your mind,think properly if possible check your dictionary ..if its too difficult to say abeg.... use Google translate for a beginner one will crucify you for that, dont embarras yourself for nothing.
Communication ecrite will be made easier if you master your conjugations and improve your vocabulary ,you can even go ahead to learn some expressions and use them ,they will not only beautify your write ups,they will also wow your lecturers.
SO please dont bite off more than you can chew . Read a lot,write the words you know when your lecturer is dictating ,after the class..No dull! meet those gurus in your class and copy their notes. YOUR NOT DULL you can top any class ,anywhere, anytime.anyhow even if its a Chinese .
Reading the rubbish you wrote can pose a lot of problems even after making corrections and getting a good note, you will not still enjoy reading it . The solution to this problem is in your hands, you must force yourself to open your french dictionary every time you find a strange french word. Or better still you can go online especially if its a note on literature, use wikipedia it in English first then later in French,save the page ,read over and over again.Stop .........................then go back to your note because believe me your lectures have simplified the infos for you. Read it thoroughly with a dictionary... And please don't begin reading a week before exams or will you will only be tempted to cheat , you know what i mean ... read properly when can understand and even explain to others... Viola!
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